
ASCE Gives Infrastructure in the U.S. a D+

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recently released its quadrennial infrastructure report card. The Report Card examines current infrastructure conditions and needs, assigning grades and making recommendations to raise them. Most American’s won’t be surprised to learn that the U.S. received the lowly grade of D+. From mass transit, to roads and bridges, to water works and more, lack of investment and neglect over generations has led our country to the brink of disaster.

These reports should serve as a wakeup call to all our elected officials and government agencies. If we don’t prioritize investment in our public infrastructure, our economic future will deteriorate with it.

It’s time for some bipartisan common sense solutions to these challenges. Proposals to increase funds for infrastructure, like raising the gas tax, and others to reduce cumbersome and expensive regulations, like design build, are just a couple of ways we can jumpstart our infrastructure renaissance.

Let’s not wait another four years to potentially find out what an F looks like.